Optimum Nutrition in Food


When person who a busy with the flurry of very dense, difficult even to eat, let alone by fulfilling nutritional balance. So they have a tendency to eat foods that instant for their time efficiency. They chose good food in mouth and stuffed in the stomach, but low-nutrition, which tends to be very sweet, very fatty and high cholesterol, too salty, and too much calories. Today in America, eight of the ten most deadly disease is a disease caused by food and lifestyle are wrong.

The food we eat must meet the following elements:
Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body that can be obtained from rice, corn, wheat, potatoes, sweet potatoes, noodles, bread, etc..

Proteins are formed from a series of amino acids whose function is to build cells. In digestion, the protein will be broken down into amino acids so they can get into the blood vessels and body cells use amino acids that the arrest, to build new cells. Protein we can get from two types: animal protein comes from meat, eggs, milk. And vegetable proteins, such as beans, legumes, soy beans, is very rich in vegetable protein. Approximately 20% of our body weight in the form of protein, 60% of the water, and the remainder in the form of minerals such as calcium to form bones and so on.

The body can not produce vitamin itself. Therefore a very important vitamin for the body needs each day. Vitamins function as regulators in the process of metabolism. Fruits and vegetables is very rich in various types of vitamins the body needs.

Minerals are elements required by the body and is a regulator of the body, so the body can make certain molecules to form the body, such as the calcium needed for bone and teeth, iron to carry oxygen in red blood cells, etc.. This mineral is needed to maintain the function of our brain and nervous system. There are foods that contain minerals in vegetables and fruits.

Oil is useful for dissolving the vitamins are only soluble in fat. Some essential oils can not be made in the body can be obtained from foods that contain essential oils such as palm oil, olive oil, sunflower seed oil, etc.. Which is not saturated oil. The oil is used by the body to make cell membranes. Excess oil in a certain limit, is stored as a backup for renewable energy sources, if an when required.

Fiber is very good for health, which helps prevent constipation or launched a bowel movement, prevent cancer, prevent pain in the large intestine, helping to lower cholesterol, helps control blood sugar levels, prevent hemorrhoids, help you lose weight and much more.

Dietary fiber can't be absorbed in the intestine and can not be entered in the circulation of blood, these fibers will be taken by the soft intestine into the large intestine with peristaltic bowel movement. The presence of fiber in the colon is both to assist the processes that occur in the large intestine. Fiber is widely available in vegetables, nuts and fruits.

Has been discussed previously that 60% of our body consists of water. Because the majority element in the body is water, it can not be denied again that water is the element that is needed by the body. Humans can stand without food for one week, but can't stand it if it doesn't consume water for three days.

Balance in selecting food intake into the body to make our bodies healthy and strong. So that optimum nutrition our bodies will get.


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