Optimum Nutrition for Brain Child


Brain development of children, influenced by the stimulation from parents and the environment. It is also influenced by food. Which can increase the ability of a child's brain.

So, what kinds of foods which can help optimize your child's brainpower:
  • Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which is good for brain growth, especially salmon.
  • Egg yolks contain choline which is very useful to enhance ability of the brain's memory.
  • Thiamine content in nuts is useful to improve a child's brain.
  • Carbohydrate derived from wheat, rice or cereal, badly needed a brain, because the brain requires a constant glucose.
  • Various types of fruits and vegetables green, orange, yellow, and purple. Which are rich in antioxidants that can protect brain cells from damage, as well as potassium, which helps prevent mental fatigue.
  • Beef and poultry, which is a high source of iron, because iron deficiency can interfere with concentration and memory.
  • Milk and cheese contain a lot of protein, calcium and B vitamins that are useful for the child's brain development
By consuming different types of foodstuffs, it is hoped our children will get the optimum nutrition for brain development.


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