Optimum Nutrition for the Body's Immune


Increasing proliferation of instant food and fast food, make a person susceptible to disease attack. Besides an unbalanced lifestyle be other reasons a person sick easily. For that, need awareness within ourselves to live a healthy lifestyle and balanced. One of them is by consuming foods that can help boost the immune system. Here are some foods that can help improve our immune.

Compound allicin contained in garlic contain sulfur is an effective antibiotic to kill bacteria and viruses. This substance can clean the liver so that in turn will clean the blood and stimulates production of white blood cells. And can maintain the immune system.

Honey contains various vitamins and iron in large amounts. The use of honey on a regular basis to strengthen the white blood cells to fight bacteria and viruses.

Gingerol content and shogaol in ginger, give effect to the body warm. But the much greater, Antioxidant contains 40 X higher than the antioxidant vitamin E. Ginger bio active components can serve to protect the fatty or membrane from oxidation, inhibit the oxidation of cholesterol and boost immunity.

Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a compound found in broccoli is capable of stopping the growth of certain cancer cells.

Watermelon contains a powerful antioxidant, glutathione. Known to help strengthen the immune system so it can fight infection, glutathione is found in the red pulpy flesh near the rind.

Mushrooms have essential mineral called selenium. Selenium is essential for the production of strong enzymes called glutathione peroxidase, which is important in the detoxification of environmental toxins.

Dark green vegetables like kale, swiss chard, and spinach contain vitamin B12, folic acid, potassium, vitamins A, C and K, all of which are known to boost immunity.

It's easy to be healthy, so much food is all around us, which we can easily and be able to boost immunity. So, start to live healthy with a healthy diet, which has the optimum nutrition for the body.

Stay healthy with optimum nutrition.


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