Optimum Nutrition in the Vitamin E


Vitamins are essential nutrients without the calories and necessary for human metabolism. Vitamins can not be produced by the human body, but was obtained from daily food. The specific function of vitamins is as a cofactor (helper element) for enzymatic reactions.

Vitamins are needed by the body is very diverse types and one of them is vitamin E. Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble vitamins. This means that these vitamins contained in the oily foods and in the body can only be digested by the bile, the liver, because it does not dissolve in water. Vitamin E is in need by our bodies.

Many benefits provided by Vitamin E for our bodies, including:
  • Functions essential to maximize the function of muscle.
  • Helps fight free radicals, which is beneficial to the skin and helps prevent wrinkle formation by preventing the oxidative damage caused by ultraviolet light.
  • Vitamin E has a very important role for healthy skin, maintains, enhance elasticity and maintain moisture, prevent early aging process, protects skin from ultraviolet radiation damage, and accelerate the wound healing process.
  • Can increase body endurance.
  • Helping to cope with stress.
  • Enhance fertility.
  • Minimizing the risk of cancer, tumors and coronary heart disease.
  • Useful in limiting the oxidative damage caused by smoking, and tissue damage from free radicals which accelerates with alcoholics.
  • Vitamin E reduces blood clotting in the blood vessels.
  • Evoke sex drive
  • Peroxidation prevents pigmentation due to the formation of unsaturated fatty acid high.
  • Prevent hepatic necrosis caused by a lack of sulfur-containing amino acids and selenium.
When levels of vitamin E in blood are very low, red blood cells can be divided. This process is called hemolysis eritrodit and can be avoided with vitamin E. Vitamin E deficiency can result in nervous system and causes muscle weakness, difficulty walking and pain in the calf muscle.

Intake of vitamin E on the needs of women and men differently. For men the need for vitamin E a day is 10 mg per day and for women 8 mg per day.

All you remember are vitamin E can be easily damaged by high heat, and oxidation. Therefore, the fresh foods, raw or unprocessed source of vitamin E is best.

Food sources of vitamin E include:
  • Vegetable oil, bean oil, corn oil, soybean oil, wheat oil, sunflower seed oil.
  • Various types of green vegetables
  • Fruits contain vitamin E are the banana, strawberry, and sunflower seeds.
  • And other food sources are milk, butter, eggs, vegetables, especially sprouts, alfalfa, lettuce, beans, asparagus, green beans, sweet potato.
With the optimum nutrition get a healthy life.

Optimum Nutrition


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